What We’ve Learned from Thousands of LinkedIn Profile Reviews

By Dahlia El Gazzar
January 30, 2024

Activations—from massage stations to puppy petting—play a unique role in business-to-business events. They can generate sponsorship revenue, drive traffic, and intentionally press the pause button on the educational and commercial intensity of business event programming. DAHLIA+Agency has reviewed LinkedIn profiles as part of the experiential activations it has delivered to event organizations for over ten years. Here’s what we’ve learned.

It's easy to neglect a LinkedIn profile

D+ member conducting a LinkedIn profile review at an event

“Seventy-five percent of the profiles we look at are incomplete or outdated,” says Keith Johnston, managing partner of i3 Events and a DAHLIA+Agency consultant. One reason, Johnston says, is that many LinkedIn members still see the platform as a place to find jobs, and if they’re not in the market for a new position, updating their profile isn’t a priority.

There are other reasons attendees don’t update their profiles regularly. Some find it difficult—an obstacle the LinkedIn consultant quickly dispatches with tips and templates. “I play video clips of thought leaders expressing their brand and give them a fill-in-the-blanks formula that helps them think about who they are” when making an update, explains Peggy Lamberton, onsite manager, meetings and conferences and DAHLIA+Agency consultant.


The true value of LinkedIn resonates with attendees

Dahlia conducting a LinkedIn profile review at an event

An essential part of a LinkedIn profile review involves a discussion of the opportunities LinkedIn offers. Unlike Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube, which tend to over-index on advertising, algorithms, or politically charged discussions, LinkedIn is an effective and efficient personal-branding hub that mainly avoids such clutter. When consultants explain that the platform is more than a resume warehouse, interest heightens. 

LinkedIn is bigger than member profiles. The profile review is only the first step on a holistic journey. “Our intention is to make sure attendees are expressing themselves and their digital footprint in the fullest way possible,” says Keri Kelly, founder and creator of soulmining and a DAHLIA+Agency consultant.

The format of LinkedIn reviews matters

D+ member conducting a LinkedIn profile review at an event

The one-on-one nature of LinkedIn reviews is a departure from the standard group learning formats of keynotes, breakouts, or small group (campfire) discussions. It benefits participants by giving them access to a dedicated expert without interruption and information they would otherwise have to learn through videos, articles, or courses. The intimate atmosphere also makes it easier for attendees to open up about their career goals and challenges.

Because consultants see one person at a time, they can customize their reviews. Thus, they might give attendees who aren’t interested in social media a tutorial on the fields they need to update to make their profile look complete and leave the discussion there. Or they might offer someone in the middle of a career change more help communicating their expertise in the new field. Either way, the review always starts with the question, “What do you want to get out of LinkedIn?”

Demand for LinkedIn reviews is high

Keri LinkedIn Review

When organizers promote the activation, ensure accurate signage, and make the in-event location convenient, attendees engage with it. LinkedIn’s popularity and name recognition also help to attract crowds—a great selling point for sponsored activations.

What LinkedIn currently offers and what may be on its technology roadmap is also alluring to attendees. Microsoft (LinkedIn’s owner) has its fingers in a lot of pies. Johnston says they may embed profiles into the Microsoft business application suite. The firm’s involvement with OpenAI (the developers of ChatGPT) is also likely to manifest in LinkedIn.

A thorough profile review unlocks something powerful for attendees

D+ member conducting a LinkedIn profile review at an event

Peeking under the hood of LinkedIn with a profile review is empowering for many who have completed the process at an event. In addition to learning how to make profiles more visible with the best format, keywords, and content, attendees discover “they’re not alone” in needing help, Johnston says.

Keri Kelly sees the transformation that her LinkedIn profile review clients undergo. “They come in thinking they’re just going to take a quick look, update their profile, and leave. Instead, they walk away empowered, revitalized, and looking at themselves through new eyes,” she says.

The right type of consultant is crucial

Because LinkedIn is constantly innovating, consultants engaged in a profile review must be up to date with the technology. Equally important is their attitude toward helping people. “I get joy from being present during those aha moments when it just clicks for [the attendee]. It feels like a gift to be a part of their journey,” says Tess Vismale, founder and CEO of iSocialExecution, Inc. and a DAHLIA+Agency consultant.

Peggy Lamberton believes empathy is one of the most valuable traits for a consultant. Those who come to see us should know “there’s a very receptive, intuitive professional that’s able to ‘read’ their personality, make them comfortable, and offer them a safe place to talk.” They make attendees “feel like the event organizer really cares about them,” she adds.

Read comments from some of the attendees who have participated in a DAHLIA+Agency powered LinkedIn profile review:

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